Grower Survey of Agricultural Management Practices FAQ About Us Survey Preview Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why do I have to complete a survey?
  2. How will my survey information be used?
  3. Where does my parcel, acreage, and ownership information come from?
  4. Will I have to answer all these questions every time I do the survey?
  5. Is my information secure?
  6. Can I save my work and return to complete the survey?
  7. Can I print a copy of my survey?
  8. Can I have a farm manager or employee fill out my survey?
  9. If I do not understand the survey questions, whom can I contact for assistance?
  10. How was this Management Practice Survey developed?

1. Why do I have to complete a survey?

The Conditional Waiver requires that a survey be completed per parcel to assess management practice implementation. VCAILG must provide a list of members (which is a public record) to the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board of who has and who has not completed the survey. The survey information is used to evaluate improved or additional management practices to achieve water quality benchmarks. Under the Conditional Waiver, management practices must be implemented as directed in Water Quality Management Plans. The survey is used to track whether additional BMPs have been implemented according to the plans.

2. How will my survey information be used?

Although the survey asks for detailed information about individual parcels, VCAILG will compile the data and report by watershed monitoring site drainage areas. Individual survey information will not be reported.

3. Where does my parcel, acreage, and ownership information come from?

This information is uploaded from the VCAILG membership database.

4. Will I have to answer all these questions every time I do the survey?

No. Once the information is complete, future surveys will only ask you to verify and report additional and improved BMPs.

5. Is my information secure?

Yes. The survey responses and contact information will remain confidential and stored on a secure computer system.

6. Can I save my work and return to complete the survey?

Yes. Your entries are automatically saved each time you go to a new page (click the “Next” button). The survey is not complete until you click the Submit button.

7. Can I print a copy of my survey?

Yes, you can print a copy of your survey after submitting, or return and print a copy later.

8. Can I have a farm manager or employee fill out my survey?

Yes. Any responsible party within your organization with accurate accounting of your farm practices can complete the survey. The party completing the survey must provide their name and contact information when they begin the survey.

9. If I do not understand the survey questions, whom can I contact for assistance?

Please contact Jodi Switzer, Water Program Director, at or (805) 289-0155.

10. How was this Management Practice Survey developed?

The survey questions are based on BMP guidelines developed by the University of California Cooperative Extension and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, with additional input from members of the VCAILG Steering Committee, the Ventura County Resource Conservation District, and the California Strawberry Commission. The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board required the addition of specifying units (acres or feet) for particular BMPs to track additional implementation over time.